Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dead Leaves & Dirty Ground

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Right & Wrong

So, through all of my "intelligent design" on my thoughts for today, I am coming out with a very perplexing emotion to become a backdrop for my insights on the day.

So many times I wake up, ad look out my window at a world neglected by people conastantly traveling between one desire, and the next. With so much information traveling between the reseptors of our brain, and very little time alotted for breaks, or alowing new information in, it makes the uphill slope towards understanding a slippery one at best.

In the past couple of years, I have found myself opening up more to the types of people that, when younger, I would have discarded rom any sense of relationship, due to their behavior, or mindset. Learning to appreciate these people for the things that make us different, rather than looking for people that share in my similarities, has made for much more fulfilling interpersonal relationships.

After living a life for years of trying my hardest to reach deep waters, and coming to well runded conclusions on issues that I saw most prophets off kilter on, I suddenly started finding ways in which my mind was closing, rather than opening. Finding myself alone, more and more often, it became much more difficult for me to meet and become friends with anyone near me, usuall because I was much too deep for anyone to really have a normal converstation with.

Slowly, I have started to understand how to begin opening my mind, rather than sealing it up in a box with my own thoughts, and looking towards new beginnings.

I look at most days like preparing yourself to be shot out of a cannon. Once a path is set, it is a bit of a waste of time to deviate from the flight patter, but the photography can be terrific.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

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Just so I don't get people gloating about the obvious imperfections of the image below, I am going to confront some issues head on. Yes, I am aware that black holes suck in, and white holes are still "speculatory". Regardless, I get quite flustered when people feel they can just point out these obvious imperfections just make themselves feel a bit bigger for a few seconds.

Besides, I didn't even draw the pic, I just think its awesome.

So...just ponder on it for a moment, and compare the image to the natural functions of the human mind, and wonder if your tearing this planet in half too....
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Good Day

So...I am by no means someone special, or anyone by whom you should listen to on a regular basis. No, that doesn't mean I wont stop talking, but it will help with the coping process. This blog is spawned from my incessant need to banter about the things I find important, and running out of people willing to listen to me in my immediate reality.

Thank god for cyber-space! And the ability to banter into a digital realm of chaos, and actually receive a response from those few pathetic souls who actually give a damn about the same shit as me.

Respectfully enough, I am pushing to see what you think about me, and maybe, what I think about you. In the end, due to the inevitability of life, it will all be inconsequential to the final day of our planet, and thus just another futile attempt at understanding the fact that we all really are, completely, and utterly, alone...