Saturday, December 29, 2007

Current TV. Your World. Live.

Since August 1, 2005, Current TV has been revolutionizing the way people view their television. Utilizing the aspect that keep people using the internet as their major informational medium, they are displaying special shows to the public through a creative styling, that could change how you absorb information. They use the format that supplies customizable content, and consumer participation, and break the norm of twenty-three minute programs with seven minutes of advertisement filler.

The realm of topics are very encompassing of, and understanding to, the subjects people in the demographic of 18 to 34 are absorbing right now. All shows, dubbed pods, are viewer created, and generally last between 5-10 minutes. Some of the pods are designed by producers for Current, but they remain focused on keeping fresh film makers submitting as often as possible. Granted, some experience in filming, and editing would be a plus, the editors make sure to plug many fresh and new pods full of great content, and full sectrum perspectives. Sudying fashions from all kinds of cities, to secrets of the rainforest, or the thrill of kite surfing.

Taking this idea to the next level, Current TV also has a community based website, located at, where you log on, make your profile, and contact other people interested in what current is doing. You can view their television schedule, or watch shows online. leave feedback on everything, with text or video, and find what stories they are looking for people to cover right now. The conversations can go on forever, and may wind up on TV.

The station was pioneered by none other than Al Gore, the Chairman of the Board, has instilled a great role of morals and ethics into the style of programming and direction, so that anyone with a passion will find inspiring, fresh, and interesting. Something for anyone, including the advertisements. Thats right, even some of the ads are designed by viewers as well.

Also on board is Joel Hyatt, Chief Executive Officer and creator of Hyatt Legal Services. A company described as supplying good quality legal services to medium and low income people. With these two individuals helping to steer this company in the right direction, you can only imagine what could come next in their line of ideas to embetter the way people view the world around them.


50 million paying subscriber households in the U.S. and the U.K.. Current is
carried on DIRECTV’s “Total Choice” package on channel 366, Echostar/ Dish
Network’s AT200 package on channel 196. Comcast’s Nationwide Digital Basic
tier on channel 107 and Time Warner Cable’s Nationwide Digital Basic tier.
Current is also available on AT&T’s U-verse Expanded Basic channel 189. In
the U.K., Current is available on Sky Basic on channel 229 and Virgin Media
Basic on channel 155.

By Robert Abby

info from

Friday, December 28, 2007

New Year, New Me

As the New Year approaches, I find that I have not been handed any of the cards I so desperately desired, assuming these things were what I needed to start off the New Year on the Right Foot. Apparently the higher powers have a better idea for whats good for me, becuase I was fired from my job three days before christmas, and all I'm doing now is eating pizza, and smoking cigarettes.

Having this time off has caused me to really reflect upon what I want out of myself, and my career. I find that I have been, in one form or another, brutally tied into the rstauraunt industry as a barnacle on some delapidated old ship, as though I have no intention of letting go. All I have been told since I was a child is that I can do anything, and I suppose I can, only not when I am waiting tables, or tending bar. Apparently everything else I decide to do either doesn't pay enough, or is out of my class.

Well thank god my spineless boss, who couldn't even tell me himself, decided I no longer was an asset to their operation, and let me float on down this river. Ahh, I feel like I'm free falling, and I totally forgot to pack a chute. Life is pressuring me to force some magical answer out of my ass where I can still live my life, and pay my rent. I love it. The only change I see in my near future now, is switching from pizza to Ramen.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Land of the Free

So I have finally, after years of hoping for the opportunity, achieved the ability to snowboard. And I must say, it was by far, the best time I have had in years. As titled in one of my other posts on, She is a Bitch of a mistress, but a bitch you love.

The pain in my bones is by far the most fulfilling pain I have ever experienced The rush of the wind flowing around my body, and the pain of a forward face plant! Unbelievable. If you ski, try snowboarding, if you snowbard, keep doing it. If you can't or havent done either, start! You will hate yourself later.

Even though I don't have the ability to travel out to the west, the experience I had at the Devil's Head Resort in Wisconsin was a good time. Although I think McDonald's has better food, and gives me less heartburn, the atmosphere was light hearted the whole time, and the hills were well tended. It wasn't super crowded considering the decent snowfall, and closeness to the holiday season. I suggest the resort for anyone who is willing for a 2 1/2 hour drive north of Chicago. For the rest of you, happy season, and good luck!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Welcome to December

I must say I am enjoying to see the countries reaction to all of the winter weather we have been recieving over the past few weeks. As we are only a couple weeks into December, and our winter weather is already worlds apart from what we received last year, and the year before. I am a huge fan of Al Gore, and the passions he has taken for the Global Warming front, and I find much humor, and ignorance, in people that refute his, and others, hard evidence.

Although the effects can be seen in daily life, the drastic differences in our weather patterns will be the tell tale signs of just how much of an effect we have been making, and how much more of an effect we can expect from our ecological footprint. All I can say is, thank god I don't own a car.