As the New Year approaches, I find that I have not been handed any of the cards I so desperately desired, assuming these things were what I needed to start off the New Year on the Right Foot. Apparently the higher powers have a better idea for whats good for me, becuase I was fired from my job three days before christmas, and all I'm doing now is eating pizza, and smoking cigarettes.
Having this time off has caused me to really reflect upon what I want out of myself, and my career. I find that I have been, in one form or another, brutally tied into the rstauraunt industry as a barnacle on some delapidated old ship, as though I have no intention of letting go. All I have been told since I was a child is that I can do anything, and I suppose I can, only not when I am waiting tables, or tending bar. Apparently everything else I decide to do either doesn't pay enough, or is out of my class.
Well thank god my spineless boss, who couldn't even tell me himself, decided I no longer was an asset to their operation, and let me float on down this river. Ahh, I feel like I'm free falling, and I totally forgot to pack a chute. Life is pressuring me to force some magical answer out of my ass where I can still live my life, and pay my rent. I love it. The only change I see in my near future now, is switching from pizza to Ramen.
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