So I have finally, after years of hoping for the opportunity, achieved the ability to snowboard. And I must say, it was by far, the best time I have had in years. As titled in one of my other posts on, She is a Bitch of a mistress, but a bitch you love.
The pain in my bones is by far the most fulfilling pain I have ever experienced The rush of the wind flowing around my body, and the pain of a forward face plant! Unbelievable. If you ski, try snowboarding, if you snowbard, keep doing it. If you can't or havent done either, start! You will hate yourself later.
Even though I don't have the ability to travel out to the west, the experience I had at the Devil's Head Resort in Wisconsin was a good time. Although I think McDonald's has better food, and gives me less heartburn, the atmosphere was light hearted the whole time, and the hills were well tended. It wasn't super crowded considering the decent snowfall, and closeness to the holiday season. I suggest the resort for anyone who is willing for a 2 1/2 hour drive north of Chicago. For the rest of you, happy season, and good luck!
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